
What is a Relationship Coach?

You’re meeting someone for the first time and they throw out the question, “What do you do?”

Ugh, dread.

I dread this question because answering in a few sentences doesn’t give the full picture (and I’m not great at distilling what I do down!).

Have you heard me talk about being a Communication and Relationship Coach and thought, “huh, I wonder what that means”?

“Coach” is a vague term, and if I’m honest, I straight up dislike the word as a job title — it’s simply describing my certification.


These options fit much nicer:

Communication Guru: I’m obsessed with language and even more obsessed with equipping people with words and approaches that transform their relationships with themselves and others.

Soul Companion: Being present to you through listening, empathy and compassion.

Relationship Advocate: I’m for you and your relationship (even on the days you’re over it). Fostering deeper relationship satisfaction and intimacy is what I live for.

Situational Tour Guide: Partnering with you as you navigate life’s unexpectedness with applicable strategies.

Candid Faith Haven: Your safe space to share honestly your doubts, questions and hang-ups. No answers promised, just real, raw conversation about how to explore faith and how Jesus feels about you.

This ☝🏽 This is what I mean when I say “Coach”.


Where could you benefit from having a relationship advocate? Or a tour guide? How about a communication guru? Let’s see if we’re a good fit!

Book a free 30-minute exploratory call with me!

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