
“Why do I do that??” (Revealing the Why Behind What You’re Feeling with 1 Question)​

The More You Trust Yourself, The Healthier Relationships You’ll Have. Receive easily-applicable strategies to build self-trust so you can experience unshakeable confidence. “Why do I do that??” (Revealing the Why Behind What You’re Feeling with 1 Question) When my friend doesn’t text me back after I share something vulnerable – I feel hurt. When my […]

How to Stop Feeling So Insecure Paranoid After Your Trust Was Broken​

The More You Trust Yourself, The Healthier Relationships You’ll Have. Receive easily-applicable strategies to build self-trust so you can experience unshakeable confidence. How to Stop Feeling So Insecure & Paranoid After Your Trust Was Broken Broken trust at its core is a blindside. Blindsides make for good TV ratings, not good relationships. Affairs, betrayals and […]

9 Signs You Don’t Trust Yourself

The More You Trust Yourself, The Healthier Relationships You’ll Have. Receive easily-applicable strategies to build self-trust so you can experience unshakeable confidence. 9 Signs You Don’t Trust Yourself They cut me off abruptly, “Taryn, do you trust yourself?” I had never heard these words strung together. What did that even mean? “Uhh, I think so…”, […]

Stop Overthinking Your Emotions

The More You Understand Your Emotions, The More Connection You Feel In Your Relationships. Receive easily-applicable strategies so you can experience consistent closeness in your relationships.​ Stop Overthinking Your Emotions I have this mental block that for me to communicate well, I have to fully think through it before I say it out loud to […]

How to put words to what I feel​

The More You Understand Your Emotions, The More Connection You Feel In Your Relationships. Receive easily-applicable strategies so you can experience consistent closeness in your relationships.​ How to put words to what I feel Only a few years ago I sat across someone who cared about me. Desperately, they looked me in the eye and […]

How do emotions feel in my body?

The More You Understand Your Emotions, The More Connection You Feel In Your Relationships. Receive easily-applicable strategies so you can experience consistent closeness in your relationships.​ How do emotions feel in my body? When it comes to unpacking emotions it can feel like standing at the foot of the mountain. You know the only (healthy) […]

Go from Reactive to Present with this One Mindset Shift​

The More You Understand Your Emotions, The More Connection You Feel In Your Relationships. Receive easily-applicable strategies so you can experience consistent closeness in your relationships.​ Go from Reactive to Present with this One Mindset Shift You’re on the phone with a loved one and they say something that sends you into an immediate burst […]

What Does Relationship Coach Even Mean?

What is a Relationship Coach? You’re meeting someone for the first time and they throw out the question, “What do you do?” Ugh, dread. I dread this question because answering in a few sentences doesn’t give the full picture (and I’m not great at distilling what I do down!). Have you heard me talk about […]

How to gain momentum when you’re stuck – again

How to gain momentum when you’re stuck in bitterness – again How am I here – again? The one-word question I’ve asked myself a zillion times after I think I’ve turned a corner of bitterness. I’m at different places of forgiveness with people in my life. If you’ve joined me for all four parts of […]

The essential influence of trusted people in your forgiveness journey

The Essential Influence of Trusted People in Your Forgiveness Journey When I talk about people who have hurt me to others, my words spew out the hurt brewing in my heart. It’s not cute, trust me. In my forgiveness journey with my daughter’s dad, I noticed that talking about him with certain people would rile […]