How to gain momentum when you’re stuck – again

How to gain momentum when you’re stuck in bitterness – again How am I here – again? The one-word question I’ve asked myself a zillion times after I think I’ve turned a corner of bitterness. I’m at different places of forgiveness with people in my life. If you’ve joined me for all four parts of […]

The essential influence of trusted people in your forgiveness journey

The Essential Influence of Trusted People in Your Forgiveness Journey When I talk about people who have hurt me to others, my words spew out the hurt brewing in my heart. It’s not cute, trust me. In my forgiveness journey with my daughter’s dad, I noticed that talking about him with certain people would rile […]

How to communicate forgiveness without excusing hurtful behavior

How to communicate forgiveness without excusing hurtful behavior Events that cause our resentment often stay unspoken for a few reasons (as well as others): Fear of conflict Fear of the potential of conflict Not believing our value Fear of rejection We are afraid of the unknown and conflict is the ultimate unknown. Before conflict is […]

(RE)set your thoughts and actions to break the cycle of bitterness

(RE)set your thoughts and actions to break the cycle of bitterness What no one tells you about forgiveness, is that each time you feel ready, you’ll be given a *really good* reason why you don’t want to. There is not just one profound moment where you choose to forgive. It’s both choosing to forgive generally all that […]

Overcoming Bitterness & Choosing Forgiveness

Getting Started with Forgiveness If you’re ready to get started with forgiveness, then you know some of the hangups that you struggle to get momentum with. That’s really helpful information. We all get stuck in different places. In my own relationships, my feet sunk into the quicksand keeping me trapped in: Being afraid that if […]